Welcome to the Partners in Care Foundation Online Community Health Worker Training sponsored by Caring4Cal

Thank you for your interest in participating in our no-cost Community Health Worker Training!

There are two options for participating in our course, the CHW Training Track and the Professional Development Track.

The CHW Training Track organizes all our course material into modules that build on each other to deepen your learning. It also includes discussion groups where you can meet with our training staff as well as other CHWs to discuss the material. New cohorts start the first week of the month.

Register for the CHW Track

The Professional Development Track is the same material broken up into separate topics so you can choose what to focus on and review as much or as little of the material as you like. The PD Track does not include the discussion groups and you can start at any time.

Register for the PD Track

Please Note: These links will take you through the registration process for Partners in Care Foundation. If you want to apply for Caring4Cal incentive payments you must also create an account on the Caring4Cal website. Click HERE to create a Caring4Cal account. You will not be redirected back to the Partners website, so we suggest right-clicking on the link to open it in another window.

Click HERE  to see Online CHW Training Lessons

Click HERE  to learn more about Training Your Staff

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please email our team at trainingsupport@picf.org.